Introduction to sessions

A session is used to store information related to a user, across different requests, as they interact with a web app. The data stored for a session should be considered temporary data, as the session will eventually expire. In order to permanently store date, you need to utilise a database.

Flask uses the client-side approach where sessions are stored in browser cookies. This cookie is sent with each request to the Flask app on the server-side where it's decoded.


  • Validating and creating sessions is fast (no data storage)

  • Easy to scale (no need to replicate session data across web servers)


  • Sensitive data cannot be stored in session data, as it's stored on the web browser

  • Session data is limited by the size of the cookie (usually 4 KB)

  • Sessions cannot be immediately revoked by the Flask app

from flask import Flask, request, redirect, session

app = Flask(__name__)
# SECRET_KEY is required to encrypt the contents of the session 
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'This is a pretend secret key.' 

def home():
  # Access sessions values
  # Can also use `session['pet_name']` but it fails if the key isn't there.
  pet_name = session.get('pet_name', '')
  if pet_name:
    return f'<h1>Your pet\'s name is {pet_name}.</h1>'
    return f'<h1>I do not know your pet\'s name.</h1> <a href="/petname">set pet name</a>'

def pet_name():
  return f'<form method="POST"><input type="text" name="pet"><input type="submit"></form>'

@app.route('/petname', methods=['POST'])
def pet_name_action():
  pet_name = request.form.get('pet')
  # Set the session value
  session['pet_name'] = pet_name
  return redirect('/')

Session Life

By default, the session object remains in place until the browser is closed. However, if you want to change the life of the session object, define the PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME configuration variable after creating the Flask app:

import datetime
# session cookie is valid for 1 minute after the browser is closed
app.config['PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME'] = timedelta(minutes=1)

When setting the data in the session, specify that the sessions should be permanent (time will be based on PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME):

# Save the form data to the session object
session['email'] = request.form['email_address']
session.permanent = True


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