State & useState Hook

Props Recap

So far we've worked with props and used them to pass values from a parent to a child Component. This pattern of passing data down will be consistent in React as the flow of data is unidirectional and always flows down.

We also know that the props passed down to a child are organized by React into an object where every prop becomes a key:value pair.

Props are a great way to pass data but have the following limitations:

  • Props are immutable

  • React will ignore any attempt to reassign a prop value

  • Reassigning a prop value will have no effect on the Component

Intro To State

State is your application's "memory". It is data that changes as your user interacts with your app. Every time state changes, your UI (Components) should update to reflect the latest state of the application.

In React any changes to state will cause the component to rerender. This is how the UI is updated to reflect the new state.

Working with the useState Hook


Hooks were introduced in React Version 16.8. Before hooks, all state needed to be defined in a Class component.

Hooks introduce state management to Functional components, using a simpler and more flexible API and lets you split one component into smaller functions based on what pieces are related.

They are named so because they allow function components to "hook into" React's inner workings.

The useState hook is one of many that are built-in to React. Lots of third-party React libraries will also come with their own custom hooks.

Using useState

First, import useState:

import { useState } from 'react';

Call the useState hook and pass it an initial starting value:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

Using State

Use the state variable to render its value:

<span>Current Count: {count}</span>

Updating State

To update the state and trigger a rerender, the set (setCount) function must be used:

setCount(count + 1);

The above snippet will trigger a rerender, the snippet below won't:

count += 1;

useState Rules and Best Practices


Here are some of the rules that govern the useState Hook:

  • Never update the state value directly.

  • State must always be overwritten with a new value.

  • Always use the set function to update state.

  • Don't call useState inside of loops, conditions, or nested functions. They must always be at the top-level of your Component. This rule also applies to all the other hooks.

Best Practices

A few best practices when assigning variable names are:

  • Use Array Destructuring when initializing the state variables.

  • Name the initial state based on what it contains.

  • Use the same name for the function (the second element) but precede it with set.

  • Give thought as to what needs to be in state and how that state should be organized and structured.

Last updated

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