Homework: Setup for next class

Scavenger Hunt - Preparation for Stage 4

Create another controller in controllers/users.js using expres.Router.

Add support for creating a new user

  • Add a users table with name, email and password_hash fields to your database

  • Build an /api/users controller (controlers/users.js)

  • Handle POST requests to /api/users by adding a new user to the database with the given name and email

Handle invalid input

Return a 400 (Bad Request) status and message for these situations:

  • The name, email or password is missing

  • The email address is already used by an existing user

  • The password is not long enough (extension to add more checks)

Hash passwords with bcrypt

When creating a new user, store a hash of the users's new password in the database too.

You'll need to install bcrypt with npm install bcrypt.

Here's how to use bcrypt to hash a password:

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

function generateHash(password) {
    return bcrypt.hashSync(password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(10), null)


  • Add more checks to the password - does it contain letters, numbers and symbols?

  • Support sending two passwords and check if they match

Last updated

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