

Comments in Python start with a #. There isn't a "true" mutli-line comment like /**/ in JavaScript.

# This is a comment
# You need multi-line comments?
# Start each line with hash


Primitive Data Types

Python has four primitive data types

  • String

  • Integer

  • Float

  • Boolean

type('spam, spam, and spam')

isinstance('spam, spam, and spam', str)
isinstance(3, int)
isinstance(3.14, float)
isinstance(True, bool)

Everything is an object in Python

isinstance('spam, spam, and spam', object)
isinstance(3, object)
isinstance(3.14, object)
isinstance(True, object)


To define a variable in Python, type

eggs_ive_eaten = 3

In Python, variable names:

  • must start with a letter or underscore

  • cannot start with a number

  • contains only alpha-numeric characters and underscors

  • are case-sensitive

NOTE: The convention for multi-word variable names in Python is snake_case

Variables can be reassigned

eggs_ive_eaten = 4

Unlike JavaScript, you cannot declare a variable without initialising it with a value. The closest equivalent would be assigning None

let spam
console.log(spam) // -> undefined
spam = None
print(spam) # -> None

String Operators

print('spam, ' * 3 + 'and eggs')

Arithmetic Operators

print(4 + 2 * 3)   # -> 10
print((4 + 2) * 3) # -> 18

print(7 / 3)       # -> 2.3333333333333335
print(7 // 3)      # -> 2

print(4 ** 3)      # -> 64

Compound Assignment Operators

Relational/Comparison Operators

print(42 == 42)         # -> True
print(42 == 42.0)       # -> False
print('spam' == 'Spam') # -> False
print('spam' != 'Spam') # -> True
print(42 == '42')       # -> False

In Python, you can "chain" conditions

n = 3
print(1 < n < 5) # -> True

Logical Operators

n = '3'
print(1 < n < 5)                      # -> TypeError
print(type(n) == 'int' and 1 < n < 5) # -> False

Last updated