Homework 1: Dots Game

Dots is an interactive game with up to 3 levels. In each level, the user has to click a moving ball until they reach a certain score, at which point they can move on to the next level.

Getting Started

  1. Download this starter code .zip file and extract it into your homework folder.

  2. Follow the instructions below.

Tips & Hints

  • You can keep track of the score as a number using a variable (set to 0 at the start of the game) and then overwrite the text of the .score element whenever the score changes.

  • When the score is greater than or equal to 100, the player has beat the level! All you need to do is add a game-over class to the body element.

  • When you access some content from the DOM (textContent, innerHTML, data-*, etc.), the values will be returned to you as strings. If you need to do math with the value, you can first convert the string value to a whole number using parseInt().

    const numStr = '10'
    console.log(numStr + 10) // -> '1010'
    // Convert numStr into a number type first
    console.log(parseInt(numStr) + 10) // -> 20

Level 1

  • Open level-one.html in your browser.

  • Write your code in level-one.js.

  • Add a single click event listener on the .js-ball element.

  • When the user clicks on the ball, it should increment their score by 10 points.

  • When the user reaches 100 points, show the .level-winner overlay.

Level 2

  • Open level-two.html in your browser.

  • Write your code in level-two.js.

  • Level 2 has 3 moving balls that the user can click on to increment their score.

  • Implement a click event handler for each ball to listen for when a user clicks on one of the them and increment the user's score by 10 until it reaches 100.

  • When the user reaches 100 points, show the .level-winner overlay.

Level 3

  • Open level-three.html in your browser.

  • Write your code in level-three.js.

  • Level 3 also has 3 moving balls but of different sizes! Each ball is worth a different number of points. The number of points the user should get for each ball is saved inside of a data-increment attribute on the ball HTML elements. You can access the data attribute of an element from the event object by looking at the event target's dataset property. Read the MDN docs on dataset here.

  • When the user clicks on a ball, increment their score based on how many points that ball is worth until they reach 100.

  • When the user reaches 100 points, show the .level-winner overlay.

Last updated

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